About Us
Advancing the Practice of Ecosystem Innovation

Our Mission
Making innovation do more
Innovation Ecosystem (IE) is an advanced innovation practice dedicated to helping those who want to tackle complex challenges in today's fast changing world. This is a unique moment in history. Exceptional possibilities and disruptive change are driven by a flood of technical advances, unprecedented levels of world wide education, and the ability of innovators to collaborate across the globe. As individuals, organizations and a society we need innovation tools that are suited to these big challenges.
Enable Bolder Innovators: Innovation practices that perviously delivered incremental improvement to the status quo, or created a million mobile apps are no longer enough. Those familiar practices were designed for smaller problems, and can't rise to the bigger challenges that matter most today.
Pioneer Ecosystem Innovation Practice: We work to develop powerful innovation practices, and foster their wide spread application. Ecosystem innovation intentionally takes a bigger view of opportunities, stepping back and reimagining how organizations, people, technology and resources can all be woven together in new collaborations. It's a way to take on big challenges and deliver powerful solutions that embrace today's real world complexity.
Foster the Tribe of Innovation Choreographers This work is led by "Innovation Choreographers", big picture thinkers who able to reimagine how things work. This profession is new in many fields (although variations of it have existed in the arts for many years). It's an exciting career that positions you in the middle of the world's most interesting and important challenges.
In an age of fast moving creative change we need powerful new forms of innovation.
Be Part of the
Ecosystem Innovation Revolution

Courses and Workshops
Get the tools and insights you need to become an effective Ecosystem Innovator.

Professional Services
Get expert support for tackling hard challenges and building smart flexible organizations.

Book and Resources
Get the resources that lay out clear and actionable strategies for ecosystem innovation.